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Showing posts from July, 2020

Easy Problems List (Updated)

UVa Online Judge 12577 - Hajj-e-Akbar 12289 - One-Two-Three 11942 - Lumberjack Sequencing 12015 - Google is Feeling Lucky 1124 - Celebrity jeopardy 1225 - Digit Counting 12578 - 10:6:2 12342 - Tax Calculator 11936 - The Lazy Lumberjacks 12502 - Three Families 12646 - Zero or One 12478 - Hardest Problem Ever TIMUS Online Judge ( 1000 - A+B Problem 1001 - Reverse Root 1068 - Sum LightOJ Lift How Cow Setu February 29 Minimum Arc Distance Hidden Secret! IP Checking Agent J Unlucky Bird Double Ended Queue List of Numbers of Easy Problem’s from UVA []: 100 102 113 119 136 147 160 190 272 299 324 343 344 350 355 357 369 378 382 386 389 401 412 414 438 440 441 442 443 444 458 476 477 478 483 488 489 490 492 494 495 499 537 541 543 575 579 583 591 612 623 673 674 686 706 713 847 895 10008 10013 10035 10038 10050 10055 10062 10070 10071 10079 10082 10101 10110 10127 10168 10170 10194 10195 10220 10222 10...

Basic CP Resources

Getting Started: Getting started with the sport of competitive programming প্রোগ্রামিং কনটেস্ট এবং অনলাইন জাজে হাতেখড়ি অ্যালগোরিদম কমপ্লেক্সিটি(বিগ “O” নোটেশন) Programming Language: To get start with competitive programming you must be comfortable with at least one programming language. We prefer C++ because it’s more beginner’s friendly and also more useful for programming contests. Here are few topics you must learn before you start programming contest. Input/Output Data types Loop/Nested Loop If else Functions Structure String processing Checkout this websites for resource on C++: cplusplus tutorialspoint cprogramming top coder stl C++ Create an account in vjudge: Try this easy problems to get used to problem solving: Greetings from LightOJ Opposite Task Second Largest Relational Operator Find Remainder Word Pangram Odd Sum Finding Square Roots Celebrity jeopardy

Geometry resources

Straight Line, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square, Trapezium, Sphere, Polygon:  Competitive Programming by F.H & S.H- 7.2 Geometry Basics Dot Product & Cross Product: Line-Point Distance: Line-Line Intersection: Competitive Programming by F.H & S.H-7.4 Intersection Problems Segment Intersection(Line): Polygon Area & Perimeter: Competitive Programming by F.H & S.H- Paze 126

বিগেনার কম্পিটিটিভ প্রোগ্রামরদের জন্য কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় টপিকস

Competitive Programming For Beginners Topics Subtopics Time/Memory Complexity 1. Importance of calculating time/memory complexity and how to do it Basic STL (C++) 1. Vector ( insert , erase , iteration ) 2. Queue 3. Stack 4. Deque Data Structure 1. Map (C++) 2. Priority Queue (C++) 3. Set (C++) 4. Linked list using array Bitwise Operation 1. Bitwise operation (AND , OR , XOR and more) 2. Manipulation of bits 3. Some special use Math 1.Calculating GCD efficiently (Euclidean algorithm) 2.Sieve (finding prime numbers) 3.Bitwise sieve 4. Factorization 5. Modular Arithmetic ( addition , multiplication , calculating bigmod) 6. Fermat's little theorem and its use 7. Totient function 8. Combinatorics (factorials , counting problem) Sorting Algorithm 1. Bubble sort 2. Insertion sort 3. Counting sort 4. Selection sort 5. Quick sort 6. Merge sort Recursion 1. Introduction to recursion 2. Backtracking Gre...