Competitive Programming For Beginners
1. Importance of calculating time/memory complexity and how to do it
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1. Vector ( insert , erase , iteration )
2. Queue
3. Stack
4. Deque
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1. Map (C++)
2. Priority Queue (C++)
3. Set (C++)
4. Linked list using array
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1. Bitwise operation (AND , OR , XOR and more)
2. Manipulation of bits
3. Some special use
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1.Calculating GCD efficiently (Euclidean algorithm)
2.Sieve (finding prime numbers)
3.Bitwise sieve
4. Factorization
5. Modular Arithmetic ( addition , multiplication , calculating bigmod)
6. Fermat's little theorem and its use
7. Totient function
8. Combinatorics (factorials , counting problem)
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1. Bubble sort
2. Insertion sort
3. Counting sort
4. Selection sort
5. Quick sort
6. Merge sort
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1. Introduction to recursion
2. Backtracking
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1. Introduction to greedy algorithm and ad-hoc problems
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1. What is graph theory?
2. How to store edges? (using vector and array)
3. How to traverse a graph? (DFS , BFS)
4. How to solve problem using graph theory
5. Connected Component (undirected graph)
6. Bicoloring problem
7. Shortest path problem (weighted and unweighted graph)
8. Longest path problem (tree)
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1. What is dynamic programming?
2. State of dp and calculating time and memory complexity
3. Coin change
4. Knapsack
5. nCr
6. Longest Increasing subsequence ( n^2 )
7. Bitmask dp
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